Lesbian Mother

beautiful young business woman

Lesbian Mother, they say you are unfit! Their words send chills through your body. Shame threatens your life.

"Children need a father," they say. "It is wrong for another woman to replace a father, even if he was never there!"

Where could you hide with your children? You must hold them closer now. They feel your panic and are confused by your shame. They don't know the world that accuses you and discredits the legitimacy of your love.

Your parents are angry: "Why can't you be normal?" they ask. What is normal?
You've been searching for it all of your life!

Finally, you have found a love that feels normal, full and true. You want it and don't want it at the same time. Your children receive her love even when you are afraid of it. How hard it is to stand alone and without approval or blessing?

Each day you witness yourself living as you always have and wonder about why the opposition to you exists. Your soul is on a journey that sets you apart from all that you ever knew about your life. Your introspection deepens you and your spirit expands during this extraordinary time. You are now a Lesbian Mother. You are now your own person separated from all the social prescription that originally defined your life.

You may do the same things, but you are not the same woman. In your decision to be a Lesbian Mother, you have stepped away from the trivial and discovered the profound truths of who you are: not so different on the outside, but much freer on the inside.

Kiss Your Life... 365 Reasons to Love Who You Are

By:Ann Mody Lewis, Ph.D.

Reason: 304 Page: 322


Who is a ‘Lesbian Mother?’

  • Mothers who were previously married.
  • Mothers without a husband or partner.
  • Mothers in a same-sex Union.

“I’m going to have a baby,” Is a joyous... announcement for women but for a lesbian woman the joy may be intertwined with untold discrimination and legal invisibility. ‘Lesbian Mothers are presumed to be:

  • Unfit nurturers.
  • Insensitive to their children’s need to have a father.
  • Undeserving of motherhood without a husband.
  • An embarrassment to her family and children.
  • A poor example of mortality for her children.

It is estimated that between 1.5 - 5 million lesbians reside, with their children, in the United States. The legal invisibility creates many complications that traditional families do not have; however, as we quickly move into a new era of human liberation, a legal agenda will be created for them.

Lesbian Mothers are claiming their reproductive power... but not in a man’s image! Like the 7.5 million single-mother households in the United States; she (lesbian mother) will struggle to give her children the love and security they need, and according to contemporary research, lesbian mothers are doing a good job.

Research has shown that:

  • Children of same-sex relationships are no more likely to be gay themselves than children from traditional marriages.
  • Their children grow up generally, well – adjusted.
  • Their children are less judgmental.
  • Lesbian mothers are more likely to remain with their partner than heterosexual women with their husbands.

Motherhood is changing in this modern era, and those of us who care about children will want to learn how to ‘honor mothers! ‘Lesbian Mothers’ are ‘Mothers of Choice’ and that choice makes them 'Mothers of Courage'. Keep your mind open to this month’s discussion so you can be an intelligent member of this Evolving World!
Let’s Talk!