What Man to Love

What Man to Love

What man you should love?

Should he be the man who wants you? The man who can support and shelter you? The man who can talk to you in a stimulating and engaging way?

Who teaches us to ponder there important questions that will direct our future?

All too often, it is presumed that you should take love as it comes and be so grateful for a man's love. You are so hungry for this love that you avoid measuring his capacity for compassion that you don't take time for friendship. There is a larger spectrum that should measure the love you share with a man.

Is he a man who respects women? A man that loves women and the history they have created?

Love a man who loves his own femininity. Love a man who knows how to pleasure and comfort you. Love a man who is angry that history has ignored you and cultures devalue you. Love a man who will stand at your side in your struggle for equality, because he knows you deserve it and the world is an unfit place until you have it.

Kiss Your Life... 365 Reasons to Love Who You Are

By: Ann Mody Lewis, Ph.D.

Reason: 151 Page: 169


No one is more motivated to love than a woman who wants to love a man!

That decision is complicated by her relationship with her father and his relationship with himself.

Seth Goldman spent time in his kitchen creating drinks that were high in health and low in sugar. His creations ultimately became Honest Tea that he sold for millions of dollars after ten years of working on his dream. How did his wealth affect him? It didn’t! No buying spree! He continued riding his bike to and from his office and bought 550 bikes to give his employees. He lives a tobacco, alcohol and caffeine free life. Now Seth travels to South America visiting organic tea farmers and working on new ways to make the earth a friendlier place.

His advice to young students:

“There’s an easy formula to happiness. It’s when what you have is greater than what you want. Most people would say the way to be happy is to have more. I say the way to be happy is to have less.”

Seth is the kind of man who is unimpressed by the call of masculinity; instead of being full-of-himself he is full-of-caring for others and the earth. Being more impressed with a man’s soul than his muscles is a good way to begin your decision making. Are you patient enough to wait? Is he honest enough to be open?

The cultural PRIVILEGE we give masculinity keeps some men immature. They will run from equality and intimacy in relationships, betray their wives and abandon their children, while feeling they‘re winning.

The man who has anointed himself with caring, loving, humility and compassion is unimpressed by who he should be because he knows who he is!

Let’s enter this month’s topic enthusiastically as women who want to love and men who want to be lovers.

Topics will include: How fatherhood influences manhood. How the lost father creates a confused daughter. What are signs of a mature man? What fundamental qualities demonstrate the soul of the anointed man?

Let’s talk…
