2011 Stage Two – Avoiding the Trap

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"I will come to realize that I am more dynamic when I avoid the social entrapments
imposed on my life

Theme: Women and men don’t choose to be victims of gender socialization

There are many ways that women are victimized by gender socialization, and they all begin at birth. Our parents imagine our lives, as soon as they know our sex. What they imagine is what they think will happen, because we are a girl or a boy. As you grow older, the expectations become more complicated, intense, and confusing. They are unavoidable, because everyone thinks they are natural and normal. Thinness is glorified. Softness is demanded. Sacrifice is presumed, and loyalty is taken for granted. Young boys are supposed to be athletic, strong, and disinterested in feelings; as they grow to be men and claim their sexuality as their primary identity. We don’t think we have a choice. Choice is not given to you, but now, you can choose to reclaim your life. You can choose to recover from gender socialization by taking control of your beliefs, your body, your emotions, and your future. Yes, it can be done! It must be done, if you are to be free.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Name four ways gender socialization has affected you.
  2. How has gender affected your relationship with your father and mother?
  3. Has gender socialization ever made you angry?  When?
  4. Do you think it is possible to restore your sanity?

Movie:Revolutionary Road:
The genius of this movie presents to the viewer how a husband and wife, controlled by gender roles, become intimate strangers. The sadness is their inability to free themselves.

Quote from Me, Again by Ann Mody Lewis, Ph.D.

“It is our uniqueness that allows us to take our authentic places in this world. In this way, our lives have a deep personal and political meaning.”