Expectation of Men

May 24, 2012 Expectation of Men Reason 202 – Page 220

Men have expectations of you that are truly prejudicial and you have expectations of men that are equally as such.

Should a man fail to be masculine enough, he must confront his own personal conflict and social rejection, which includes you! If he is not masculine enough, he may be disrespected and unattractive to you as a sexual partner. Machismo is no more human than hyper-femininity.

If we can see the social entrapments of men, it may be easier to see our own.

To love a man, you must see beyond his masculinity and into his humanity. A true man has grieved the tragic effects of socialization that punish him, reject, ostracize and ridicule him if he dares to deviate from social norms we call masculinity. He is as afraid of rejection as you are, but for different reasons.

So, you see, you are more alike, you and he, than you are different.

Resocialization can make you both compassionate lovers and friends for life.