Blessings of Food

Food is a blessing, not a threat.
Buying the fruits of the earth should be done conscientiously. Touch what you buy and smell the flavors you will enjoy. Look at the colors and texture calling you to its presence. Its shapes are a wonder for human amazement.
Food keeps us connected to the earth and connected to what is fundamentally important about life: enjoyment, connection, appreciation, caring, sharing, nourishing, abundance and loving life with one another.
Food reminds us of our blessings and as we bow our heads and join hands, it reminds us of our oneness. Around our table gather those whom we love, those we have forgiven and those we are learning to understand. Food helps everyone to remember that family is the celebration of our happiness, and among them, we want to be forgiven.
When we remember the blessings of food, we will be less prone to shaming our enjoyment of it.
Kiss Your Life! with food, because during every food-moment, life is kissing you.