Modern Marriage

April, 2013 Modern Marriage Reason 257 – Page 275

Although marriage has been viewed as the completion of the ideal woman,
we know from centuries of study that for a woman, traditional marriage is
rarely healthy or financially rewarding.
Does that mean that marriage is an outdated institution? No!
Marriage is a beautiful ideal, but modern marriage must be different.
A modern marriage must be seen as an emotional experience that both partners
are responsible to create. It must also be recognized as the huge financial
investment that it is, therefore, you must ask yourself how this marriage will
serve you financially. And you must ask yourself how you will survive
The design of the modern marriage will need the creation of honest discussion,
professional help and spiritual guidance, if it is to become the union it was
meant to be.
Be real – as you love deeply, then the love you share will survive and flourish.