You Create Light

You Create Light

You Create Light

Light is neither good luck nor circumstantial.

You create light. It is the direct consequence of your search for meaning. It is created when you can forgive. It is created when you can accept a loss with peace, when you can love again with hope, when you can struggle with purpose.

Light is hearing your voice in another person's story and listening patiently because you are genuinely interested. Light is not a gift to the lucky, it is an achievement of those who are committed.

Light eagerly waits for everyone to find Her. She will welcome you like the father of the Prodigal Son. She will celebrate at your arrival because light knows about the darkness you have endured.

It appreciates the fears you have quieted and the anger you have resolved.

Light says: “Come my beautiful one, the rain is over and gone. The time of your jubilation has arrived.”

From: Kiss Your Life... 365 Reasons to Love Who You Are

By: Ann Mody Lewis Ph.D.

Reason: 290 Page: 308

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