


When are you the happiest?

Have you noticed your happiness when you eat a meal, share a date, spend money, plan your time, choose your work, express your thoughts, read a book or adore your body? Being cognizant of the level of happiness you experience means you are taking it seriously.

Others are watching your happiness as well, especially your children. They need you to be happy more than they need the cookies you bake or the beds you make.

When you are happy your life feels right.

Your happiness is the truest sign that you live in your truest-self. Name each happy moment throughout the day, so you know and love who you are. Your happiness will put to sleep the personal discord cultural expectations created in you.

It says to the world: “I have one life and one love: my happiness!”

From: Kiss Your Life... 365 Reasons to Love Who You Are

By: Ann Mody Lewis Ph.D.

Reason: 241 Page: 259

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