




Honesty is not cruelty. It is the bedrock of a true relationship.

Your fear of honesty will keep you silent, distant, and angry. This belief will entrap you in a no-win situation as it disintegrates all hope for intimacy. When you are not honest, you are not completely present in a relationship. Your honesty is your presence.

Honesty does not have to be agreeable, likable, or create a solution. It is the expression of your cognitive and emotional truth. The value of honesty is well documented. It gives you relief, builds a trusting friendship, and insures a final peace. It is not easy to be honest, but its value is immeasurable.

The rewards of honesty may be accompanied by pain, rejection, humiliation, and anger. But soon, the tides of unrest will settle into a heightened depth of closeness and awareness.

When you find yourself withholding your truth because you think it will cause problems, remember that doing so will be the death of the relationship. It will be an opportunity missed, Self unacknowledged, and avoidance of intimacy.

Honesty challenges us to trust love in the deepest way.

Honesty says: “I love you enough to be completely known and want to be completely loved.”


From: Kiss Your Life... 365 Reasons to Love Who You Are

Reason: 322  Page: 340

By: Ann Mody Lewis Ph.D.



There is a difference between honesty and truth. Experts tell us that honesty involves
emotional information while truth is factual information. Are they related? You decide.

Our bodies have an intelligence that most of us don't respect. It thrives on honesty which means truth is combined with our willingness to know and share the content of our lives. Many aboriginal tribes believe that honesty is healing. When a person is sick they are invited to sit in the center of a circle and speak to the villagers about things that have never been said, thus releasing the tension inside their body that compromises their health.

We may deceive ourselves into thinking that our pain doesn't matter because revealing it is
humiliating, but our body keeps the score, and eventually what we don't tell makes us
less happy, more prone to illness,  less kind and because we become suspicious of love.

In this day of cyber communication, misinformation has become an epidemic, and those of us who are too lazy to seek truth believe in the delusions of evil others promote. During this pandemic, we must fear misinformation as passionately as we fear the virus itself because it contaminates the sacred domain of our inner self that thrives on honesty.

Our commitment to honesty is really our commitment to ourselves. Whenever we decide
that our truth will not be silenced by shame, fear, or pride we are born into a life completely which means every living-moment is holy.

This powerful topic can revitalize your understanding of how to keep yourself healthy! 
Your participation will be measured by your commitment to face the parts of yourself
that are expected to be hidden. Refuse holding back so you can move forward. Feel the freedom of living in honesty. 

Topics to be discussed: How do honesty and truth complement each other? What are
the medical and psychological benefits of honesty? How does dishonesty cause illness?
How do others suffer when I can’t be honest? 

Join the discussion to deepen your passion for health.

Let's talk!